Secretary Jan Goodwin has announced that Jim Nunns, formerly with the U.S. Treasury Department in Washington, D.C., is the new Director of Tax Policy in New Mexico. Jim first worked for TRD in the mid 1980’s and has relocated back to his native New Mexico.
As the Director for Individual Taxation in the Office of Tax Policy of the U.S. Treasury Department, Jim was involved with every piece of major tax legislation over the past 20 years. He earned a Doctorate in Economics from Purdue University in 1981. “TRD is fortunate to have an individual with Jim’s background and experience working for New Mexico taxpayers, stated Jan Goodwin, Secretary of Taxation and Revenue. The top priorities for Dr. Nunns: “Raise revenue for government with the least amount of burden on our taxpayers. Taxes must be fair within and across all income groups and they must promote the State’s economy. Those are the goals.”
TRD’s Office of Tax Policy works to help shape and improve New Mexico’s tax policies. During each year’s legislative session, hundreds of legislative bills are analyzed and reported to the legislature for their impact on the State’s revenues and tax policies.