Feldman joins Rimon Law as Tax Partner

 In weil gotshal manges

Rimon Law Group has hired Mark Feldman.

Mr Feldman is an expert in tax law and has over fifteen years of experience in[private] both domestic and foreign tax issues. Mark earned his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1992. Prior to joining Rimon, Mark was an attorney at Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP and at Weil, Gotshal and Manges, LLP.[/private]

About Rimon Law Group
Rimon, as one of the first high-end virtual law firms in the United States, has been an innovator in the legal industry since its inception. It was the among the first law firms in the country to feature only partner-level attorneys operating in a low-overhead environment and the first law firm in the United States to implement a satisfaction-based billing program. Rimon was also among the first law firms to be awarded B Corporation certification, marking Rimon Law Group as a leader in the realms of social and environmental responsibility.

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