HMRC announces the winners of the Tax Transparency Awards (no joke)


When I received this press release from HMRC today I thought at first that it was some sort of spoof – HMRC handing out awards  ?  Never ! Anyway, it is all kosher so if you’re interested, read on…….

The winners of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) first ever tax transparency awards were announced today.

The awards recognise the contribution the business, professional and voluntary communities make to helping HMRC run the UK’s tax system and were awarded to:

John Andrews – Low Incomes Tax Reform Group – for championing the cause of the unrepresented taxpayer and making a positive impact on UK tax administration.
Teresa Graham – chair of the Administrative Burden Advisory Board (ABAB) – for making ABAB an example of best practice where the Government has engaged with business to identify ways to reduce administrative burdens.
Julie Hughff – tax partner, KPMG – for persuading clients of the benefits of good relationships between business and tax administrations, the early clarification of key business issues and her open-minded approach to the resolution of technical issues. Julie is also recognised for the significant contribution she made to the 2006 Review of Links with Business.
Peter van Dijk – Senior Vice President, Taxation TD Bank Financial Group – for his commitment to bringing clarity to guidance on tax rules in the financial sector and his work to convince business and tax administrations that positive engagement is valuable.

Presenting the awards, David Gauke MP, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, said:

“These awards show there are some excellent working practices between HMRC and taxpayers. I’m delighted to recognise the contribution that individuals outside the department make to the development, operation and delivery of tax administration.”

Dave Hartnett, HMRC’s Permanent Secretary for Tax, said:

“Making the tax system simple and transparent is of vital importance. HMRC has to recognise that we cannot do this alone – many individuals and organisations in the tax profession and voluntary community help us achieve this. These new awards recognise their efforts and the vital part they play in making the tax system better.”

The awards took place at 11 Downing Street on 25 November and the winners were chosen by their peers in the tax community, using the following criteria:

Commitment – has made a significant individual commitment, either over a concerted period of time or in relation to a specific initiative, to drive forward clarity and ease of use of the tax system, above and beyond their professional position.
Customer Focused – has brought and championed customer understanding which has enabled processes, legislation or policies to be better designed from the perspective of both the customer and HMRC.
Clarity – through their commentary and active contribution they have identified the need for greater clarity and worked with HMRC to achieve a positive change and greater ease of use of the tax system.

Background info
1. The “External Engagement Awards for advancing transparency in tax” were announced by Dave Hartnett in November 2009 in his Hardman Lecture – an annual event lecture organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

2. Members of the panel:

External panel members:

Francesca Lagerberg, Head of Tax Grant Thornton and former Chairman of the Tax Faculty of ICAEW
Mike Truman, editor Taxation magazine
John Whiting, Tax Policy Director of Chartered Institute of Taxation and Director of Office of Tax Simplification

Internal panel members:

Dave Hartnett, Permanent Secretary for Tax
Judith Knott, Director, Business International
Stephen Banyard, Acting Director General, Personal Tax
Brian Redford, Acting Director, Business Customer Unit

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